Empirical reviews of career plateauing and turnover intentions of teachers’ experience to pursue further studies in Kenya


Mary Gaturu
Felicita Wanjiru Njuguna
Rufus Olanrewaju Adebisi


PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper was to review the various studies on the relationship between career plateauing, turnover intentions and teacher decisions in order to pursue further studies.

METHODS: The empirical study focused on the forms of career plateauing faced by teachers, the relationship between career plateauing and turnover intentions, the relationship between turnover intentions and teacher preparation, the history characteristics of career plateauing and turnover, and techniques to enrich the quality of teacher work to fight career plateauing. Two forms of career stagnation were described in the review: structural (hierarchical) plateauing and content (job content) plateauing.

RESULTS: The analysis of the studies has shown that previous researchers have studied the influence of career plateauing on organizational variables such as turnover intentions, work satisfaction and organizational engagement. Previous studies have shown that work plateauing has been negatively associated with job satisfaction and organizational engagement and positively correlated with turnover intentions. The reviewed literature also found that there are a variety of techniques that can be used to improve the job content of teachers to address the career plateau.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The review tried to define the type of plateauing that Kenyan teachers often face. While the reviews have shown that career plateauing is becoming increasingly widespread in various organizations, there has been little research in Kenya especially among secondary school teachers. The study therefore recommended that studies be undertaken to determine the relationship between career graduation, turnover intentions and the decision of the instructor to undertake post-graduate studies in Kenya.


How to Cite
Gaturu, M. ., Njuguna, F. W. ., & Adebisi, R. O. (2021). Empirical reviews of career plateauing and turnover intentions of teachers’ experience to pursue further studies in Kenya. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 2(2), 196-207. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA/2.2.2021.196


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