Disability act of 2019: A riposte for inclusion of persons with special needs in Nigeria
Introduction: The unfriendly relationship between society and individuals with special needs have been debated several times. The term "inclusion" resurfaces at the end of symposium and meetings as resolution to that by the conveners with a belief that such might end the negative attitudes towards individuals with special needs within the society.
Purpose: This review was to add to the non available literature for the use of researchers, students, policy makers and lovers of persons with special needs who would like to seek for literature to discuss the new disability act in Nigeria
Findings: The paper reviewed the intangible sense of inclusion and discussed the roles of the new disability act would play towards making the participation, engagement and involvement of individuals with special needs in the development of the nation for nation building.
Recommendations: The paper recommended among others; considerable monetary allocation and disbursement for its execution; urgent, massive recruitment of the required personnel; collaboration and partnership between administrators and the authorities in the field of special needs education to be set up, and that government should embark on considerable infrastructures and equipping of schools, hospitals, and economic institutions.
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