Modeling of teacher characteristics, skills in teaching and students’ achievement in secondary school Physics


Waliu Ayoola Fagbenro
Tangsom Comfort Bulus


Introduction: Teachers with a significant amount of classroom experience and a strong background in physics, math, and education would exhibit suitable teaching abilities as evidenced by engaging lesson presentations, and assessments of the lessons' goals. Students would learn effectively and achieve better in physics if teachers demonstrated these suitable teaching techniques.

Purpose: This study looked at the associations between the qualities of a teacher and their ability to teach, as well as the implications of these associations for the physics achievement of senior secondary school students.

Methodology: The study used a correlation design, whereby path analysis was employed to evaluate the plausibility of the proposed model without manipulating any of the variables. Thirty senior secondary school physics teachers and nine hundred senior secondary school physics students were randomly selected from thirty senior secondary schools (SSS) in Taraba and Adamawa States, Nigeria. A Teacher-Students Interaction Observation Schedule was used to rate each teacher. The students took the Physics Achievement Test at the conclusion of the fourth week.

Result: The analysed data indicated a strong and favourable correlation between the qualities of teachers and their aptitude for presenting and evaluating lessons. Teachers with relevant experience and qualifications displayed effective teaching techniques.

Conclusion: Experienced and certified teachers were found to possess the necessary skills to get ready to teach physics in classrooms, and physics students' achievement was influenced by the qualities of their teachers.

Recommendation:  Policy makers, educators and schools should hire qualified individuals to teach physics in senior secondary schools.


How to Cite
Fagbenro, W. A., & Bulus , . T. C. (2024). Modeling of teacher characteristics, skills in teaching and students’ achievement in secondary school Physics. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 5(2), 209-222.


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