Development and validation of a scale to measure undergraduate students’ Physics identity


Waliu Ayoola Fagbenro
Samuel Garpiya Bileya


Introduction: Through physics education students are helped to realize the relevance of physics and technology to their lives, and this will encourage them to willingly continue their physics study in or beyond school. So, it is very important to have instrument with validity evidence that can be used to investigate physics identity effectively and efficiently.

Purpose: This study made use of information from prior research to adapt, test and validate items for a physics identity instrument to be used with undergraduate students offering physics in their first year.

Methodology: This is a survey study using an ex-post facto approach. A total of 400 participants were selected using the simple random sampling technique. The reliability, content validity, face validity, and construct validity of adapted scale were computed. SPSS AMOS version 23 was used for performing exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.

Result: The new scale “SPIQ” consists of 15 items under three sub factors: interest, recognition and self-efficacy.  The model with 15 items of SPIQ scale was validated by confirmatory factor analysis and showed a good fit. The Cronbach’s α for the overall scale was 0.87, and 0.80, 0.88, and 0.89, respectively for scale under interest, recognition and self-efficacy respectively.

Conclusion: The “SPIQ” is a valid, reliable scale to assess the ‘physics person’ of undergraduate students.

Recommendation: Given the role physics identity play in students continued interest, engagement and participation in physics, it is important for educators, researchers and policy makers to explore students’ physics identity.


How to Cite
Fagbenro, W. A., & Bileya, S. G. (2024). Development and validation of a scale to measure undergraduate students’ Physics identity. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 4(3), 327-332.


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