Epidemic outbreak and safety protocols on welfare of persons with special needs in south-west, Nigeria


Ademola Rauf Salami
Gabriel O. Ogunsola


Introduction: This paper investigated epidemic outbreak and safety protocols on welfare of persons with special needs in South-west, Nigeria. It establishes that welfare of persons with special needs faces neglect and nonchalant attitude of the society, especially during epidemic outbreak. 

Purpose of the study: This paper investigated epidemic outbreak and safety protocols on welfare of persons with special needs in South-west, Nigeria.

Methodology: A descriptive survey research design was adopted and three research questions were raised for the study. The sample consists of five hundred (500) randomly selected respondents with special needs in South-west, Nigeria. The data were analysed using Multiple Regression Analysis, ANOVA and PPMC. A questionnaire titled “epidemic outbreak, safety protocols, and welfare of persons with special needs” with thirty items was used. It is on a four likert scales of Strongly Agree (AS), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD) with three sections, apart from demographic variables: epidemic outbreak (10-items), safety protocols (10-items), and welfare (10-items). It was validated by experts in the fields of special education and social work and it has reliability level of r=0.75.

Results: Results indicated positive and highly significant correlation between welfare and outbreak (r = 0.429, p < 0.01) which underscores the relatedness of safety protocol adherence, epidemic response, and improved welfare for persons with special needs in South-west Nigeria

Conclusion and Recommendations: This study highlights influence of welfare in promoting safety protocols adherence among individuals with special needs during epidemic outbreak. The study recommended that welfare of persons with special needs should be given serious attention in South-west, Nigeria.


How to Cite
Salami, A. R. ., & Ogunsola, G. O. (2024). Epidemic outbreak and safety protocols on welfare of persons with special needs in south-west, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 5(2), 237-247. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA.5.2.2024.237


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