Perception and practices of action research by prospective teachers in teacher education institutions in Pakistan


Nadia Thalho
Yakubu Doris Gomos


Introduction: Action research plays a key role in teacher education; the simple aim of this research was to discover the perception of action research by prospective teachers, which was also part of the training programme. Prospective teachers self-analyze the problems of their students and provide a solution while working in their schools.

Purporse: The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception and practices of prospective teachers during the course of action research in teacher education institutions, B.Ed Hons Programme.

Methodology: This research was a cross-sectional survey. The researchers adopted the deductive method of research. Quantitative approach was used for data collection, and sampling techniques were purposive and convenience sampling techniques in collecting data from two districts (Hyderabad and  Karachi), one college was selected from each school.  The researchers  selected samples of 55 prospective teachers who passed B.ED Hons. Results: The findings revealed that there were little or no mean difference between the prospective students’ perceptions on planning and process, importance, likeness, and abilities, assessment and supervision, and time/placement of both teacher education institution of Hyderabad and Karachi towards quality action research. The finding also revealed that prospective teachers faced problems of supervising teachers because they had no skills and methods of teaching in those institutions.

Recommendations: It is recommended that teacher educators and research coordinators should play a key role in this field, working as mentors to develop interest, create a learning environment and make use technology to impact action research on prospective teachers


How to Cite
Thalho, N., & Gomos, Y. D. . (2020). Perception and practices of action research by prospective teachers in teacher education institutions in Pakistan. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 1(1), 57-67.


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