Effects of picture books on reading performance of pupils with dyslexia in Gombe metropolis, Gombe state, Nigeria


Nandi A. Gwanshak
Abani G. Shikden
Hassan I. Danrimi


Introduction: Poor reading performance of pupils with dyslexia has necessitated the investigation of methods that can improve the pupils reading performance.  Experts in special needs education especially reading disabilities have recommended the use of picture books in teaching reading to pupils with dyslexia.

Purpose: The study focused on the effects of picture books on reading performance of pupils with dyslexia in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.

Methodology: The study adopted quasi experimental type, specifically, the pretest posttest control group design. 20 pupils with dyslexia were purposively sampled and shared into experimental and control groups. Umolu’s adopted 100 high frequency words (100 HFW) was used to collect data for the study. Data collected were analyzed using mean to answer the research questions while the hypotheses were analyzed using t-test for independent samples and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Results: The results obtained showed that pupils in the experimental group performed better than the pupils in the control group after intervention. The study concluded that picture books are helpful in remediating reading problems of pupils with dyslexia.

Recommendation: The study recommended that government should train primary school teachers on the use of picture books when teaching reading.


How to Cite
Gwanshak, N. A., Shikden, A. G., & Danrimi, H. I. (2024). Effects of picture books on reading performance of pupils with dyslexia in Gombe metropolis, Gombe state, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 5(2), 223-233. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA.5.2.2024.223


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