Human resource management and performance of tertiary institutions in Cross River state, Nigeria: The moderating effect of research and development


Abosede Abimbola Usoro
Idorenyin Udoh Etuk
Augustine Augustine Ele


Purpose: The study examined the moderating effect of research and development on human resource management and the performance of tertiary institutions in Nigeria.  The study sought to determine the moderating effect of research and development on the management of human resources and their performance.

Methodology: A descriptive survey research method was adopted and data was collected from primary sources. The population consisted of 400 faculties of the faculty of education in both public universities of Calabar, the sample size was 152, selected through the simple random sampling technique. The data was analyzed with the aid of a structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 3.3.3.

Results: The results revealed that human resource management has a significant effect on the performance of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It also revealed that research & development has a significant effect on their performance. Finally, the result showed that research & development moderate the effect of Human Resource Management on performance.

Conclusion: It was concluded that Human Resource Management and performance are moderated by Research and Development.

Recommendations: It was recommended that institutions adopt value based HRM practices. It was recommended also that, adopted HRM practices must be organizationally researched and developed to be effective in driving maximally the performance of organizations, as it is not just sufficient to adopt any seemly good HRM practice. The emphasis on the relevance of R&D on HRM and performance is another major recommendation of this study.


How to Cite
Usoro, A. A., Etuk, I. U., & Ele, A. A. (2023). Human resource management and performance of tertiary institutions in Cross River state, Nigeria: The moderating effect of research and development. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 4(2), 171-182.


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