Reward system, teachers’ attitude to work and their productivity in public senior secondary schools in Ogun west senatorial district, Nigeria.


Olayemi Kafayat Adetunji
Ayodeji Olasunkanmi Abari
Mubashiru Olayiwola Babatunde Mohammed


Introduction: The way and manner teachers respond to their work positively or negatively has a long effect on its outcomes. Teachers are the major drive that develops and nurture students’ learning abilities. Hence, teachers’ effort needs to be rewarded appropriately to enhance utmost productivity.

Purpose: This study was designed to examine the relationship between reward system, teachers’ attitude to work and their productivity.

Methodology: A descriptive survey research design was adopted. A total of 1,500 respondents from the 30 sampled schools from a population of 86 schools was used.  Instruments are: Reward System Questionnaire (RSQ), Teachers’ Attitude to Work Questionnaire (TAWQ)) and Teachers’ Productivity Questionnaire (TPQ). Data obtained were analysed using PPMC ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis with the aid of SPSS at significance level of 0.05. The questionnaires were subjected to content-validity using experts’ opinion which was quantified by Content Validity Ration (CVR) while a cut-off of 0.56 was set. Also, test-retest method of reliability was used and the reliability index of RSQ was 0.81, TAWQ  0.79 while TPQ yielded 0.85.

Results: The results showed majorly that, reward system has to do with teachers’ attitude to work and that there is no significant relationship between teacher’s attitude to work and teachers’ productivity.

Recommendations: Administrators should be trained and sensitized on the value of reward system. They should be made to be aware that monetary rewards also motivate teachers to sure that reward system for teachers is paramount and attractive to ensure productivity and tenure


How to Cite
Adetunji , O. K. ., Abari, A. . O. ., & Mohammed, M. O. B. . (2021). Reward system, teachers’ attitude to work and their productivity in public senior secondary schools in Ogun west senatorial district, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 1(3), 214-225.


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