Teaching strategy preferences in upper basic schools in Ilorin west local government area, Kwara state, Nigeria


Helen B. Victor-Akinyemi
Elizabeth Obiageli Uyanne
Judith N. Udoji
Jumoke I. Oladele


Introduction: Several studies have been carried out on various teaching strategy broadly categorised as teacher-centred, student-centred and student-teacher centred. This study was premised on investigating preferences for these strategies among basic school teachers.

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate teacher's teaching strategy preferences in classroom situations in teaching and learning in Upper Basic Classroom situations.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design of survey type. Teachers in Ilorin West Local Government area of Kwara State constituted the study population while the target population was all Upper Basic school teachers sampled randomly. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire tagged "Teachers' Teaching Strategy Preferences Questionnaire" (TTSPQ) which was face and content validated by measurement and evaluation experts. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach's alpha with a reliability index of 0.78. The validated instrument was administered electronically via Google Forms. Data were analysed using percentages, t-test and ANOVA statistics.

Results: Results showed that teacher-student centred strategy using discussion, demonstration, question & answer, field trip, and reciprocal methods were preferred while there was a significant difference in teaching strategy preferences based on teaching the subject with Mathematics teachers most contributors to the significance.

Recommendations/Classroom Implications: It was recommended that schools constantly organise training and workshops to better expose all teachers to deploying student-teacher-centred teaching and learning methods.


How to Cite
Victor-Akinyemi, H. B., Uyanne, E. O., Udoji, J. N. ., & Oladele, J. I. (2021). Teaching strategy preferences in upper basic schools in Ilorin west local government area, Kwara state, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 2(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA.2.1.2021.1


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