Effects of adolescent period on students’ academic performance in public senior secondary schools in Oyo east local government area, Oyo state, Nigeria


Akinola Gbadebo Animasaun
Abiodun Eniola Bello
Fausat Motunrayo Abisoye
Abiodun Moridiyah Animasaun


Introduction: The thrust of this research centred on adolescence period (a period that is full of emotional, psychological and social adventures for the adolescents) and its impacts on the academic performance of public senior secondary school students.

Purpose: This study was to investigate the effects of adolescent period on students’ academic performance with a particular reference to the public senior secondary schools in Oyo east local government area of Oyo state, Nigeria.

Methodology: This study adopted a survey design method. The data collection tool was mainly a structured questionnaire of Likert type items with four response options of strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The sample size consisted of 508 public senior secondary school students who responded to the questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was conducted by three (03) experts in the fields of personnel management and human psychology. The reliability co-efficient of the instrument was .92 in the test – retest analysis.

Findings: The study found that adolescent students were likely to reach their full potentials when their parents actively support their direction and goals; peer influence did not significantly affect adolescents’ academic performance, and there was a significant difference in the academic performance of male and female adolescents.

Recommendations: The study recommended that parents should feel concern about the growth, development and academic performance of their adolescent children. Also, school counsellors, teachers, administrators, and other executors of the educational policy should also feel concern about adolescence stage.


How to Cite
Animasaun, A. G., Bello, A. E., Abisoye, F. M., & Animasaun, A. M. (2024). Effects of adolescent period on students’ academic performance in public senior secondary schools in Oyo east local government area, Oyo state, Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 4(3), 316-326. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA.4.3.2023.316


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