Thesis writing in colleges of education in Nigeria: Students' challenges and coping strategies


Aminat Obakhume Abdul-Salaam


Introduction: Thesis writing is a critical component of higher education and marks the conclusion of students’ academic journey and a demonstration of their ability to conduct research. However, this process is confronted with challenges that can impede student progress and affect the quality of the thesis.

Purpose: This study explores the challenges faced by students in colleges of education during the thesis writing process, and the strategies students employ to overcome these difficulties.

Methodology: A descriptive survey research design was used adopted for the study. The snowball sampling technique was used to select 3744 students from 31 Colleges of Education in Nigeria and data were collected using online questionnaire titled Thesis Writing Challenges Questionnaire (TWCQ). The checkboxes questions and four-point modified Likert rating scale response pattern of a Very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, and very unsatisfactory; Very effective, Effective, Ineffective, and Very Ineffective and strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) and strongly disagree (SD) question formats were used. It was validated by experts and has a reliability level of r = 0.82. Data collected were analysed using frequency table, mean and standard deviation.

Results: Result revealed that the thesis writing process presents significant challenges, in areas such as topic selection, research design, and data collection. The findings highlight the role of institutional support services in alleviating these challenges.

Conclusion: The study emphasized the importance of personalized support and counseling in enhancing' thesis writing process.

Recommendation: The study recommends that efforts should be made to enhance institutional support, and provide training to improve the thesis writing process.


How to Cite
Abdul-Salaam, A. O. . (2024). Thesis writing in colleges of education in Nigeria: Students’ challenges and coping strategies. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 5(3), 260-274.


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