Ability estimation methods in computerized adaptive testing for assessment use


Adeola Ayodeji Famoroti


Introduction: The all the time use of linear computer-based test for ability estimation in Africa could be traced to the inadequate knowledge of the ability estimation of computerized adaptive testing to arrive at a precise ability estimate of examinee.

Purpose: The purpose of the search work was to explain method of ability estimation which is one of the grey areas in computerized adaptive testing for the researchers whose interest are on computerized adaptive testing.

Findings: This paper discussed the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method, provide its step-by-step formulae and its limitations of use in computerized adaptive testing.

Recommendations: The paper recommended the following: the use of the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method for the higher institutions of learning who wish to use computerized adaptive testing for her proficiency test or post-UTME; a wide usage of computerized adaptive testing as an alternative to the linear computer-based test or as a replacement of linear computer-based test because it estimates precise ability of the examinee; an academic seminar on ability estimation in computerized adaptive testing be organized to teach researchers and evaluators its psychometrics and applications.


How to Cite
Famoroti, A. A. (2022). Ability estimation methods in computerized adaptive testing for assessment use. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 3(3), 275-283. https://doi.org/10.47434/JEREDA.3.3.2022.275


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