Normative leadership: A paradigm for promoting ethical practices in primary teacher education in Kenya


Edward Ojuok Okanda
Joseph Munyoki Mwinzi
Samson Okuro Gunga


Introduction: Ethical leadership is crucial in all organizations in relation to the successful attainment of institutional vision and mission. However, the influence of morally laden normative leadership on the promotion of ethical practices in primary teacher training colleges in Kenya has not yet been fully analysed and will require further interrogation. This gap is addressed in this study.

Purpose: The study analysed how normative leadership can inspire ethical practices contained in Chapter Six of the Kenyan 2010 constitution, in the context of primary teacher education in Kenya.

Methodology: Within the phenomenological research design, interviews were conducted to answer two questions, related to how normative leadership inspires ethical practices in public primary teachers training colleges (TTC) in Kenya. The purpose-sampling technique was used to select 35 leaders of TTC and seven regional education officers. Thematic analysis was used whereby the coded data was manually analysed on the basis of identified themes and presented in the form of tables and narratives.

Results: The research findings revealed that as role models, normative leaders can succeed in creating a positive ethical environment that institutionalize ethical practices contained in Chapter Six of the Kenyan Constitution to be precise; integrity, discipline, dedication to duty and moral decision making within primary teacher education in Kenya.

Conclusion: This study established that the impact of normative leaders as they demonstrate virtuous behaviour and are positive role models in the context of moral goodness and moral duty could inspire ethical practices within training colleges for teachers.

Recommendation: The study proposed a philosophical paradigm of normative leadership that can positively influence the mind-set of leaders and their subordinates within TTC to internalize ethical practices on the foundation of moral goodness and moral duty.


How to Cite
Okanda, E. O., Mwinzi, J. M. ., & Gunga, S. O. (2021). Normative leadership: A paradigm for promoting ethical practices in primary teacher education in Kenya. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas, 2(3), 264-277.


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